Alternatives to Police and Prisons
Drug Policy Reform
The Ithaca Plan
The Drug Policy Alliance
Housing Not Handcuffs: Ending the Criminalization of homelessness in US Cities. National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty.
Searching Out Solutions: Constructive Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness. US Interagency Council on Homelessness
Serving and Protecting? Survey Results on Homeless New Yorkers' Experience with Law Enforcement, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty.
Supportive Housing as a Cost-Effective Way to Reduce Homeless Shelter Capacity, Coalition For the Homeless, NYC
Unlocking the Door: An Implementation Evaluation of Supportive Housing for Active Substance Users in New York City, CASA, NYC
What is Housing First?, Housing and Urban Development, DCYouth Violence
Coalition for the Homeless, NYC
Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA-CAN)
National Alliance to End Homelessness
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
Picture the Homeless, NYC
Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)
Across the country organizations are working to create safer and more successful schools without criminalizing students. The resources for school police usually come out of school budgets and do little to improve education. We need to divest from school policing, "zero tolerance" disciplinary systems and the "school to prison pipeline" and invest in restorative justice, counseling services, and basic educational quality.
School Investment Programs
Counselors not Cops: Ending the Regular Presence of Law Enforcement in Schools, Dignity in Schools.
We Came to Learn: A Call for Police Free Schools, The Advancement Project.
Advancement Project, Washington, DC
Black Lives Matter at School
Dignity in Schools
Educators for Excellence