Gang Policing Short Video Series
Part 1: Gang Databases: Stop And Frisk 2.0
With crime at an all-time low, the NYPD expanded use of gang takedowns and their reliance on their gang database. We follow activists as they raise the alarm about the criminalization of entire neighborhoods.
Part 2: The Truth About Crews | Ft. Vidal Guzman & Chris Williams
Recently, New York City has seen a growing number of stories related to gangs-related crimes. – but do people understand gangs? We talk to Vidal Guzman and Chris Williams from JustLeadership USA.
Part 3: Communities Fight Back Against Secret NYPD Gang Database
How do you lower gun violence? Is it through heavier policing and harsher penalties? Or is it through Credible Messengers and Anti-Violence groups? We join the Legal Aid Society, as they work with anti-violence groups in Brooklyn to solve the issue of not only gang violence, but also as they file legal documents to find out if they are listed in the gang database.
Featuring: The Legal Aid Society, Anthony Posada, Victor Dempsey, Man Up Inc.,
Part 4: Are the Kids Alright?
In this fourth installment of the #GangDatabase series, we talk to Marnie Lenox & Afrika Owes about the constitutional and ethical issues surrounding NYPD's gang policing tactics.
Directed & Edited by Paul Notice Featuring: Marne Lenox snd Afrika Owes.
Produced by TNB Studios, Josmar Trujillo