Gang Policing & Gang Databases

Across the country, police are creating and expanding databases of alleged gang members. Gang databases are used to target people for injunctions, enhanced prosecutions, and surveillance.

Read our new report on gang policing in New York City

News Coverage of Gang Databases
"New York gang database expanded by 70 percent under Mayor Bill de Blasio." The Intercept. June 11, 2018.
"Massive gang database kept by Chicago police under fire as inaccurate, outdated." Chicago Tribune. April 30, 2018.
"Chicago’s Gang Database Is Full of Errors — And Records We Have Prove It." Pro Publica. April 19, 2018.
"Activists: Gang databases disproportionately targets young men of color." NPR. January 27, 2018.
"New Providence Police gang database violates Community Safety Act, maintains PrSYM." UPRISE RI. January 4, 2018.
"To the Chicago Police, Any Black Kid Is in a Gang." The New York Times. December 25, 2017.
"Groups want NYPD and ICE to end gang databases." NY1. October 18, 2017.
"Activists block street to outside City Hall with coffin installation to protest Cop Academy, Gang Database." Chicagoist. October 10, 2017.
"Legal Aid Society questions NYPD’s criteria for classifying people as gang members." Daily News. October 19, 2017.
"You may be on California's gang database and not even know it." Reveal News. March 23, 2016.
City of Chicago Office of the Inspector General. "Review of the Chicago Police Department's 'Gang Database.'" 2019
Policing in Chicago Research Group. "Tracked and Targeted: Early findings on Chicago's gang database." February, 2018.
Mijemte 2017. "Chicago Gang Database Targets Black and Latino Men." Mijente. December 20.
Jacobs, James B. 2009. "Gang databases: Context and questions." Criminology and Public Policy. 8:4.